New York, Part 1

Posted by Rebecca

I just returned from a lovely trip to the East Coast, visiting my friend, John.  The first few days were spent in Chautauqua County, mostly around Jamestown and Chautauqua Lake.  It’s a beautiful area with lots of old buildings that date back to the 1800’s and a landscape covered with lush vegetation.


Red brick roads can be found in many residential neighborhoods.


Summer is in full bloom.


Does anyone know what kind of pretty tree this is?  I asked my friends on Instagram, and no-one knew….




It’s sooooo much greener than Nevada!



A charming windowsill in John’s mom’s kitchen, where I have eaten some of the best Italian food of my life.  Mmmmmmmm….

Rebecca Knabe

Coming Soon….

Posted by Rebecca

I spent the last 11 days taking in the sights, sounds, smells, and tastes of New York – upstate and the city.  I have pictures coming soon; but in the meantime, enjoy these views from the plane yesterday, during my bumpy, roller-coaster ride into the Reno Tahoe International Airport.



Rebecca Knabe

Beautiful Virginia Lake

Posted by Rebecca


I know I’ve posted several photos from Virginia Lake, but it really is one of my favorite spots in Reno.  At first glance it’s a goose-poop-filled manmade lake in the middle of a sketchy neighborhood.  At a closer look, though, it is teeming with life.

The walkway that runs around the lake is exactly one mile, so it’s a great destination for runners and walkers, and their dogs, who want to do a few laps.  The lake is also filled with birds.  Mostly water fowl, but other birds have also made the lake their home.  Remember the bald eagle I saw a few months ago?  That was at Virginia Lake.



My favorite time to go is early morning, as the sun is coming up.  A golden glow hits the lake and the park.  There are few people and dogs, little traffic, but more birds than ever.  This spring I’ve enjoyed lots of new life, learning to waddle after their duck or goose mommies and daddies; I’ve seen unlikely interspecies friendships; I’ve seen a territorial swan chase off others who were crowding her space; I’ve seen young fella pigeons frantically trying to impress lady pigeons; and I’ve seen a tortoise sunning himself on a rock exactly 2 days before I saw a “Missing Tortoise” poster.



Days that start with a couple of laps around beautiful Virginia Lake are much better than ones that don’t.  And I hope that either the tortoise has made his way back to his human home, or he is happier than ever living at the lake.


Rebecca Knabe


Posted by Rebecca

Joey is the neighborhood thug.  But he’s a loveable thug.

Joey is a cat that belongs to my neighbors, James and Tanille.  He ‘belongs’ to them, but I’m pretty sure the whole trailer park really belongs to Joey.


We have a lot of random cats running around the neighborhood.  Some have owners and some don’t.  But Joey tells them all what to do and how to do it.  Fights are caused and fights are broken up, and Joey is always the ring-master.  If it seems that Joey has lost a fight, or is afraid of another animal in the park, it’s because Joey wants you to believe that.

Cassi was afraid of Joey.  Have I mentioned that Cassi was a Rhodesian Ridgeback?  They were bred to hunt lions.

One evening a couple of years ago, Cassi and I were hanging out in James and Tanille’s living room.  Joey glared at Cassi, and Cassi (at 85 lbs., and one who never jumped on the furniture) jumped on my lap.  When I tried to get her down, she whimpered and trembled until we finally carried Joey into the other room.  That’s the kind of power Joey has.

You would think that Joey would be miserable to be around.  I had a miserable cat like that once – he would knock things over while staring at me, hiss, and then run away.  But Joey isn’t a miserable cat.  Mesmerizing and controlling, yes.  But miserable, no.  Joey purrs and rubs up on you.  He coos when  you talk to him, and follows you around the house….

And this is what he’s been doing on a near-daily basis at my place lately, when he convinces me to let him in.  Joey stands at my slider, whines and cries, and hypnotises me with his swirling hazel eyes until I cave and open the door.


My old age has brought a pretty gnarly cat allergy, but Joey doesn’t care.  He covers every square foot of my trailer, shedding abundantly, charming me with his dashing good looks and brilliant personality.  Before I know it I’m covered in cat fur and my face is itching unbearably, even though I haven’t even touched him.

I have a policy – I don’t feed or pet cats – to keep their interest in me at a minimum.  But Joey isn’t discouraged in my indifference, or my allergies.  He talks to me and shows me love and attention.  I’m convinced that he either gets a kick out of my squirming, or he thinks I’m his girlfriend.

Either way, I think Joey thinks I’m the cat’s meow.  Or at least that’s what he wants me to think.


Rebecca Knabe


Lighten Up

Posted by Rebecca

I got inspired during a visit to Tanille’s tiny home a few weeks ago.  She had switched her beautiful, but dark living room curtains for light ones; and it opened up, and brightened up the place so much that I had to try it myself.

I found some pretty shower (yes, shower) curtains at World Market that I loved and would do the trick.  They are fully fabric, and the thing I like about shower curtains is they are wider than regular curtains, so fewer panels are needed.  The only caution is they aren’t as long, so they work best behind furniture.

Notice the difference from my old heavy curtains, to my lighter set.  It feels so bright and cheery, and perfect for summer!  And I feel like I have a whole new living room!



Another bonus to this type of change is it feels like you’ve redecorated, but with very little expense or work.  My furniture does not rearrange well in my trailer.  My couch is huge and very deep, but I love it and won’t get rid of it.  So the front end of the trailer is the only place it fits (believe me, I tried about 174 other locations).  This change of window covering adjusts the light levels of the room, and makes the huge change that you feel when you’ve moved furniture.

I did the same thing in my bedroom last winter.  I thought I needed to immediately darken the wall color after hanging these new white curtains, but I still haven’t painted, and now that I’m used to the change I love it – with or without darker walls.





And that’s how you do a cheap and easy, light and bright summer makeover!  😉

Rebecca Knabe

Rain Rain GO AWAY!

Posted by Rebecca

This morning I was jolted out of my semi-comatose state that I usually linger in for a few hours after I wake by stepping in a puddle.  In my bathroom.  Did I mention that I’m not a huge fan of the rain?

A new leak!  How exciting!…  I guess I can’t really complain, as I have been relatively leak-free for about a year and a half now.  But we have had 2 days of pretty persistent rain, and the ol’ pink trailer has sprung a leak.  Ugh!

Fortunately, the trailer and I both love to reside in the desert, and leaky roofs are just a passing concern.  Granted, they are an important concern to avoid mold problems, and warping walls and ceilings, but nothing like an emergency situation that I would have to deal with if I lived in the Pacific Northwest.  Whew!

So for now I have towels on the floor, and will wear waterproof shoes when I need to go to the bathroom.  I’m keeping it classy.

Good weather is just around the corner.  This weekend should be in the 80’s again.  So until then, I will look at these to make myself feel better….


Rebecca Knabe

White Water Retro

Posted by Rebecca

I ran into an RV Show last weekend.  Literally.  I was running, and there it was.  And even though I’m into the whole trailer ‘thing,’ an RV Show is not something I would typically check out.  You see, I would have a hard time justifying spending a bunch of money on a brand new camping trailer, when my home trailer cost me a measly $5,000.

It’s simple math.  House = $5,000, therefore the couple-weeks-a-year vacation house must = <$5,000.  And fancy new travel trailers do not.

However, I couldn’t resist a peak, and this Retro number caught my eye.  It was nearly the smallest one on the lot, and it was perfect!




Granted, the inside could use a little color and bedizenment, but layout and storage-wise it’s great!


Yep, I can really see myself in this thing….  (oh brother!  ***insert giant eye roll here***)


Rebecca Knabe